Engineering Transactions, 47, 2, pp. 183–201, 1999

Mass Minimization of Dynamically Loaded Machine Foundations Using Different Subsoil Models

Z. Sienkiewicz
Technical University of Koszalin

B. Wilczyński
Technical University of Koszalin

The effect of variation of the shear wave velocity profile of a layered soil on a minimal mass of a rigid machine foundation under behavior constraints on vibration and normal stress contact amplitudes and side constraints is numerically studied. The nonlinear programming problem has been solved by an iterative application of a sequential linear programming. The dynamic response of the machine foundation to unbalanced forces is evaluated including the dynamic soil-block interaction. The mixed-boundary value problem of elastodynamics was formulated as the system of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with the Green's functions for a half-space as kernels and contact tractions as unknowns. The solution of the integral equations was accomplished numerically by a Boundary Element Method. In addition, the effect of embedment of the block into the soil was included by means of a local dynamic boundary used to simulate the backfill. Numerical results illustrate the sensitivity of the optimum design with respect to variations in problem preassigned parameters.
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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


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DOI: 10.24423/engtrans.628.1999