Pewne zagadnienia statyki gęstych siatek rusztowych
and rotations of nodes out of the girder plane, [3].
The above two problems, which can be designated as «disk» and «plate» respectively, have been solved for many cases found in practice; the results of the majority of these works have been collected in the monograph [4]. In this elaboration, however, the general solution is presented for certain plane grid girders, in which the main axes of inertia of the cross-sections of the bars form angles other than ninety degrees with the plane upon which the girder grid is formed. A fragment of one of these grids is illustrated in Fig. 1. In this paper it has been assumed that the grid girders considered constitute linear-elastic systems thereby using only the fully lincarized variant of the equations, Utilizing (1), these equations are compiled in Sec. 1, where the principal designations are also described. The problems comprising the subject of this paper have been restricted to the one-diemnsional problems (grid bands, Sec. 2), presenting for this case in Sec. 3 the form of the general solution. Finally, in Sec. 4 some particular cases are considered, and the results obtained are illustrated with an example in Sec. 5.
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Cz. WOZNIAK, Load carrying structures of dense lattice type, Arch. Mech. Stos., 5, 18 (1966), 581-597.
Cz. WOZNIAK, Bending end stability problems of plates with lattice structure, Arch. Mech. Stos., 6, 18 (1966), 781-796.
Cz. WOZNIAK, Siatkowe dźwigary powierzchniowe. Podstawy teorii i przykłady obliczeń, PWN, w druku.
B. BOCZKAJ, H. HAT, Jednokierunkowo obciążone pasma rusztowe, Zesz. Nauk. Polit. Śląskiej, Budownictwo, z. 21 (1967), 17-35.