Studia Wstępne z Dziedziny Skręcania Kadłuba Okrętu na Fali Skośnej
In the last section the method of substitute space lattices is used for the determination of approximate values of stresses in the skin and the corners of the hatchways. Two extreme cases are considered: (1) the diaphragms may be considered to be perfectly flexible in their planes, (2) they are assumed absolutely rigid. In the first case the hull becomes a statically determinate lattice, in the second a statically indeterminate lattice of a special type (i.e. the most simple from the point of view of computation). The values obtained for these cases determine the limits of all stresses in the hull which is an interesting complement of the computations of the preceding section. Some elementary methods of approximate strength computations of cylindrical vessels for torsion caused by an oblique wave are explained. These may constitute starting points for further improvements of approximate methods of strength computation in hulls of ships. Each of the discussed approximate methods is applied to the same numerical example thus illustrating the features of each method.
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