Wyboczenie przy pełzaniu geometryczne nieliniowej powłoki kulistej
by applying the Galerkin method. In the general case of the physical law, if the operators involved in the fundamental equation are linear integral operators, this equation can be reduced to a set of linear integral recurrence equations obtained by perturbation. The small parameter has a geometric sense and is expressed in terms of the dimensions of the shell. Solutions are given for particular cases of viscoelastic bodies with a discussion of the results obtained. As a particular case we obtain the solution for the elastic shell. In conclusion the behaviour of the shell in the course of the creep process is discussed in function of the load and the physical properties of the material.
Z. BYCHAWSKI, Investigation of creep buckling of cylindrical sheet panels in the range of small and large deflections, Proc. of the World Conference on Shell Structures IASS, San Francisco 1962.
Z. BYCHAWSKI, Some problems of creep bending and creep buckling of viscoelastic sheet panels in the range of large deflections, Non-classical shell problems, Proc. of the IASS Symposium, Warsaw 1963.
Z. BYCHAWSKI, Badanie wyboczenia przy pełzaniu płyt kołowych w zakresie małych i dużych ugięć, Rozpr. Inzyn., 4, 9 (1961).
[in Russian]