Engineering Transactions, 28, 2, pp. 297-310, 1980

Stresses, Temperature and Oscillations of Thermoelastic Layer Suddenly Exposed to Symmetric Pressure

M.M. Marjanov
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Beograd (Yugoslavia)

In the Principles of Thermoelasticity [1], KOVALENKO presented the limit values of temperature increase in a thermoelastic layer, exposed to a symmetric step in time pressure. This work treats the same problem. The approximate solutions are found for temperature, stresses and displacements in function of time and space variable.

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A. D. KOVALENKO, Osnovi termouprugosti, Naukova Dumka, Kijey 1970.

W. NOWACKI Dinamiéeskie zadaci termouprugosti, Mir, Moskva 1970.

W. NOWACKI, Dinamika elastiónih sistema, Gradjevinska Knjiga, Beograd 1966.

B. FRIEDMAN, Principles and techniques of applied mathematics, J. Willey and Sons, New York 1956.

P. CHADWICK, Thermoelasticity. The dynamical theory (C. VI Progress in Solid Mechanics), North Holland Pub., Co., Amsterdam 1960.

M. MARJANOV, Solution of the coupled thermoelastic problem in the finite region, Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Engineering Science, Beograd 1977.