Engineering Transactions, 41, 3-4, pp. 321-328, 1993

Description of Creep of The Lignostone in Biaxial Stress States

M. Czech


The results of creep investigations of the beech-wood lignostone specimens cut along the grains are presented. In the two-dimensional stress state the shearing stress is kept constant while the tensile stress varies. The description of creep of the lignostone as a nonlinear and orthotropic material is proposed by means of the equations [...].This description has been found to be satisfactory.

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M.CZECH, Creep investigations of the lignostone under tension and torsion, Engng. Trans., 41, 3, 1993.

W.N.FINDLEEY, I.S.LAI, K.ONARAN, Creep and relaxation of nonlinear viscoelastic materials, Nord-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford 1976.